Friday, December 7, 2012

It's Friday!

I've been MIA on the blog, but not on the workout.

I'm running in a 5K tomorrow in Jersey called the big chill and with the weather the way it has been this week the big chill it will be and I'm excited.

I have also been working weight training back into my program so I've make it to the gym twice this so the body is slowly getting back into it. I've been posting some motivational stuff on my facebook page so check it out its Richardson Fitness.

Have a great weekend and make sure you get some time of fitness in.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, friday, friday!

Good morning and Happy Friday!

Started my day off right, just getting in from the gym. Trying a different workout, 10 X 10 and boy oh boy is it rought but so far rewarding. I haven't been lifting as much, but this week I'm back and have managed to get in 3 lifting sessions this week. I rock!!!

The weekend is here so make sure you make some time to do something healthy, the weather is going to be good in the 50's so plan something outside wether it be a walk, run or hike. Whatever you thing is, make time for yourself and do it. You wont regret it, unless you choose not to.

Have a fabulous weekend and contact me if you need a training boost. My rates are reasonable and my energy will get you to where you need to be.

Contact Info.
Richarson Fitness

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Its another beautiful day so those of you that like to workout outside, please get out there and do just that.

I opted to workout at the gym this morning with my fiance and it was tough, but good. Today was shoulder's and biceps 10 sets of 10 reps for most of the exercises so something tells me I will be paying for that tomorrow.

I finished it off with 30 minutes of cardio and I feel great.

Have a fabulous day!!!

If you decide you can't do it alone, please feel free to you my services. I can be reached at 718-448-1897 or e-mail

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hello, hello, hello!

Good evening, its Tuesday already!

 I have not been blogging, but I have been working hard with the exception of today with this crazy weather and my schedule I was lacking the much needed motivation myself.  I did however manage to get a run in yesterday and it was a beautiful day for one I must say.

Tomorrow's plan is working out in the morning with my fiance so that should be interesting, we usually plan on lifting together and I stray and hit the cardio machines instead.

Have a great evening and remember, plan, plan, plan......

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I read an article yesterday that was giving tips on how to prepare for getting a workout in and it has the usual suggestion like list it as an appointment on your calendar so you make sure you go. But one suggestion was new to me, it suggested you sleep in your workout clothes that way you could get up and out. My advice is a bit more logical, put your workout clothes out so you don't waste precious time getting up and out by trying to figure out what to wear. If you workout during lunch or afterwork, make sure you bag is backed the night before so you can grab and go. Sleeping in workout clothes, especially a sports bra for women may be a bit constricting to do all night.

Ultimately, you have to do what's works for you so you're consistent.

Have a good afternoon and keep moving....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Good morning, take a minute to look up at the sun and take it in. Try, well don't try, make sure you get out and do something outside today and get 10-15 minutes of sun its good for you and will boost your mood beyond your expectations.

Have a fabulous day......

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Well, the weather is crazy yet again and the cold may tempt you to stay in and not head to the gym. If that's what you decide to do, remember you can workout at home. It may not be as intense as the gym, due to lack of equipment, but please remember not working out is hazardous to your health and we want you to be around for a long time.

Sample at home workout: start off by running in place for about 2-3 minutes, then squats (3 x 20) w/no weights but if you can bear it use cans (vegetable or soup) as weight, 50 crunches, shoulder press (overhead) using those same cans (3 x 10), 50 crunches, bicep curls (w/cans), 50 crunches and end with 50 jumping jacks and if you're feeling good I would like 2 sets of those. In between each set you should be running in place for at least 30 seconds.

If you have any questions or you need some affordable one on one encouragement contact me at